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Table of content

Chapter 1: Choosing an Advanced Career & Career as a Cyber Security Professional

Highlights the importance of selecting an advanced career path, with a focus on the role of career counseling. It emphasizes ethical considerations, cultural contexts, the career construction theory, and life design paradigm. The chapter then transitions into the specifics of choosing a career in cyber security, discussing various domains, career paths, necessary skills, certifications, and an overview of top cybersecurity jobs from entry-level to senior level.

Chapter 2: Introduction to Cyber Security & Information Security

Provides a comprehensive introduction to cyber security, detailing the origins of cyberspace, various types of cyber attacks, and the role of digital forensics. It covers the technologies used to prevent cyber attacks, followed by a deep dive into information security concepts, including legal, ethical, and professional considerations, principles of information security, and the distinctions between information security and cybersecurity.

Chapter 3: Understanding Ethical Hacking

Offers insights into ethical hacking, detailing the different types of hackers, tools, and skills used in the field. The chapter covers the ethical hacking process, the significance of ethical hacking in maintaining cybersecurity, and the dangers associated with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

Chapter 4: Governance

Discusses the importance of governance in information security, the need for a comprehensive framework, and the benefits of building such a framework. It emphasizes staff engagement, awareness, and provides an example of an information security governance framework.

Chapter 5: Risk

Focuses on risk management in information security, advocating for a "joined-up" approach and detailing the risk management methodology. It discusses the role of management reviews and improvements in the risk management process, along with the requirements of ISO 27001:2013/17.

Chapter 6: Compliance

Covers the concept of compliance in information security, including the identification and assessment of relevant laws and regulations. It highlights the importance of implementing appropriate controls and the role of audits in the compliance process.

Chapter 7: Cryptography

Explores the crucial role of cryptography in the field of cyber security, covering its importance in hacking, exploitation, networking, and as a countermeasure to cyber threats.

Chapter 8: Threat Modeling

Delves into threat modeling, integrating aspects of cybersecurity threats discussed in earlier chapters. It focuses on understanding and preparing for potential cyber threats through systematic analysis.

Chapter 9: Security Design Principles

Concludes with an overview of security design principles, encapsulating the essence of building robust and secure information systems. It integrates concepts of risk management, compliance, and ethical hacking to provide a holistic view of designing secure systems.

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