Career in Cyber Security

(Deeper Dive: Cybersecurity Career Master Plan: Proven techniques and effective tips to help you advance in your cybersecurity career )

The field of cybersecurity is gaining widespread recognition as technology expands, leading to an increased demand for cybersecurity measures. This trend is likely to continue as technology continues to evolve, making the role of cybersecurity professionals increasingly critical in safeguarding virtual, remote and automated systems.

With all the positives do come some negatives you will learn about within this chapter.

In this chapter, we will explore cybersecurity by breaking it down into the following sections:

  • Learning about the current state of the industry

  • Exploring the foundations of cybersecurity

  • Understanding the pros and cons of cyber careers

Learning about the Current State of the Industry

Cybersecurity is a rapidly expanding area due to the widespread adoption of technology and the corresponding rise of cyber threats. Cyberwarfare is a novel but persistent issue for nations globally. With the growth of technology, the battlefield and soldiers have changed, requiring cybersecurity professionals to stay informed on evolving threats and vulnerabilities in all sectors, including mobile apps and smart TVs. Staying current with these trends and developments is crucial for a successful career in cybersecurity and to maintain knowledge on the latest dangers and protection methods.

Here are some things to consider related to the cybersecurity industry:

  • Hackers are becoming more advanced

  • Tools for amateur hackers continue to get simpler

  • Cybercrime is exploding (and it's expensive for organizations)

  • Automation is the future

  • Vulnerabilities are endless.

he COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on many careers in 2020, but cybersecurity remained in high demand. The shift to remote work increased vulnerabilities as employees and companies lacked secure networks and on-site monitoring. This resulted in a rise in ransomware attacks, creating more job opportunities for cybersecurity professionals, including penetration testers. The need for cybersecurity will persist as cybercriminals continuously find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities, ensuring a long-lasting career in the field.

Cyber Laws and Regulations

Before we jump into the next section, we will cover some of the cyber laws that influence the overall cyber growth and impact this field.

The issue of cybersecurity laws and legislation is a complex topic as we write this book. Policymakers face challenges in addressing them as they struggle to keep pace with the rapid growth of the internet and the changing threat landscape. Most existing cybersecurity laws are reactive, enacted after incidents occur, making it difficult to anticipate and address emerging threats. This makes determining the appropriate legislative approach to cybersecurity a challenging task.

The Yahoo data breach of 2016 is a classic example of a situation that led to a reactionary law. The theft of 500 million accounts prompted the need for greater data protection and eventually led to the passage of the Consumer Privacy Protection Act of 2017.

The challenge lies in anticipating laws needed before incidents occur. Anticipating future threats is difficult and predicting when and how they will happen is even harder.

The cost of a large business data breach has significantly increased, with an average cost of over $150 million in 2020, compared to $3.92 million in 2019.

To understand the significance of cybersecurity regulations, a law overview will provide insight into the current state of cyber legislation.

Exploring the Foundations of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity involves the use of various practices, technologies, and principles to secure digital devices, systems, and confidential information against cyber attacks. This broad field encompasses firewalls, encryption, threat intelligence, and incident response measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats.

This section provides a fundamental understanding of cybersecurity, covering essential concepts like risk and vulnerability. We examine various cybersecurity frameworks, including the CIA Triad, NIST, ISO, and SOC2. The topic of threats, assets, vulnerabilities, and risks is also explored in detail. By the end of this section, you will have a basic grasp of how cybersecurity professionals protect against viruses, malware, hackers, and data breaches by securing data, devices, networks, and systems.

Asset, Vulnerability, Risk, and Threat

Familiarity with important cybersecurity terms is critical for safeguarding an organization's assets and maintaining a robust security posture. These terms are frequently interrelated when discussing cybersecurity risks and threats.

An "asset" encompasses anything of significance to an organization that requires protection, such as sensitive data, systems, and hardware. These assets can encompass both digital and physical components, such as servers, laptops, and network infrastructure, as well as confidential information like financial records and personal data.

"Threat" refers to any potential danger or harm to an organization's assets. Threats can come from a variety of sources, including hackers, malware, and even natural disasters. It is important for organizations to understand the various types of threats that exist and how to identify them in order to develop effective security measures.

"Risk" is the likelihood that a specific threat will be realized and result in harm to an organization's assets. It is important to assess the risks associated with potential threats in order to prioritize mitigation efforts and allocate resources effectively.

A "Threat" is any possible source of harm or interference to a company's assets like cybercriminals, hackers, or upset employees. Threats can take various forms, like malware, phishing, or DDoS attacks and can come from both internal and external sources. Companies must be aware of potential threats and have measures in place to identify and respond to them.

By adopting a proactive approach to cybersecurity, organizations can minimize their risk, reduce the likelihood of data breaches and cyberattacks, and better protect their sensitive information and assets. This includes implementing strong security measures and technologies, such as firewalls, encryption, and access controls, and regularly monitoring and assessing their security posture to identify and address new or emerging risks. It's important for organizations to stay up to date on the latest cybersecurity trends and threats, and to adapt their strategies and practices as the threat-scape evolves.

How to Figure Out if a Career in Cybersecurity Could Be Right For Me?

(Deeper Dive: Cybersecurity-Career-Guide-Workbook)

Cyber attacks come in many forms and can target individuals, businesses, governments, schools and more. Thus, it's vital for everyone to secure their information. Cybersecurity experts play a critical role in stopping breaches, tracking down cybercriminals, and improving defenses through learning from past attacks. With the growing significance of cybersecurity, careers in this field offer ample opportunities for those with relevant skills and knowledge. If you have a passion for technology, solving problems and safeguarding information, consider a career in cybersecurity.

Working in Cyber Security.

Now that you’ve delved into the details of specific cyber attacks, let’s take a step back and consider more generally what professionals in the field of cybersecurity actually does.


Cybersecurity breaches affect all digital devices and systems that connect us and our data to information networks. To secure this domain and minimize breach impact, many cybersecurity professionals work to fortify it against attacks and enhance its resilience. These jobs are largely technical and require specialized training and expertise in areas like software, hardware, and systems.

The “territory” covers a wide range of areas:

  • Infrastructure encompasses both physical and digital components that work together, such as electrical power systems, telecommunication networks, IoT, and the ability to utilize computing and network resources in reality.

  • System security encompasses measures and techniques utilized to protect information and devices, including but not limited to cryptography, authentication, and OS security.

  • Software encompasses the programs and apps utilized for online business operations that must be secured against intrusion, reliable in performance, and securely integrated with hardware and operating systems, whether accessed via mobile or desktop device.

Cybersecurity experts can be grouped into two categories: those who concentrate on the technical aspects of securing digital systems, and those who focus on strengthening the larger domain of cybersecurity by creating legal and policy safeguards, examining human behavior and online practices, and setting up security measures for individuals and organizations. The latter, who can be seen as "frontline defenders," may hold organizational or government positions and require expertise in areas such as law, governance, psychology, politics, international relations, organizational dynamics, project management, and communications in addition to technical skills. Some of them also participate in real-time cyber defense, monitoring systems, executing defensive actions, analyzing threats, or predicting and stopping hostile actions.

To determine which area of cybersecurity matches your skills and interests, consider exploring the different job roles and functions in the field. The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education has established a framework defining seven main categories of work in cybersecurity. By examining these functions and comparing them to your personal interests and abilities, you can find the ideal educational and career path in cybersecurity for yourself.

To identify which areas of cybersecurity best suit your skills and preferences, explore the different job functions and roles in the field. The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education has created a framework that outlines seven primary categories of work within cybersecurity. By researching these functions and evaluating them with respect to your personal strengths and interests, you can find the most suitable educational and career path within cybersecurity for yourself.

These seven categories are:

  • Investigate

  • Collect and Operate

  • Securely Provision

  • Operate and Maintain

  • Analyze

  • Protect and Defend

  • Oversee and Govern

These categories may intersect, based on an individual's skill set or an organization's structure and requirements. Cybersecurity experts often shift between jobs with responsibilities spanning across two or more categories. This offers numerous opportunities for learning and diversity throughout a cybersecurity career.

Cybersecurity Career Paths and Domains.

Cybersecurity career paths, similar to fields like data science or supply chain management, can be diverse and ever-changing. There are many roles that act as stepping stones, such as positions in networking, software development, financial and risk analysis, that can eventually lead to an entry-level cybersecurity role.

"You can learn these competencies and then you can aggregate them together to take on more and more responsibility."

“When I think about [cybersecurity] roles, they all build on top of each other,” - said Aspen Olmsted, adjunct professor at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering and instructor for the Cybersecurity Fundamentals MicroBachelors® Program from NYUx.

For instance, you could be a host systems defender responsible for defending a server, or a network defender focused on securing incoming networks. By acquiring these competencies, you can gradually take on more responsibility by combining them.

When thinking about cybersecurity, it's common to initially think of those experts who specialize in ethical hacking or red teaming, who concentrate on evaluating and testing network and system security. But that's just the surface. Cybersecurity encompasses a vast array of subdomains and specialized areas, which can be broadly divided into two major categories: managing security and risk and managing infrastructure.

What Skills Do I Need For Cybersecurity?

Although cybersecurity jobs might seem hyper-technical and math-intensive, cybersecurity professionals are jacks-of-all-trades. They should be competent in both hard skills (networking, scripting, system administration) and soft skill sets (communication, creative thinking, listening).

"It's the ability to constantly reinvent yourself, learn new things, and adapt to changes. That's very important for cybersecurity specialists."

Core cybersecurity technical skills you need to excel in your career:

  • Networking is a critical skill in the field of cybersecurity. Regardless of your specific role, whether it be a penetration tester or network engineer, knowledge of fundamental networking concepts such as packet routing, the OSI model, etc is essential.

  • System administration:Cybersecurity professionals must have a strong understanding of system administration. This includes the ability to handle situations such as managing the effects of viruses on Windows systems and recovering files from a computer without having knowledge of login information.

  • Linux: Linux is the operating system used on most network devices and security appliances. Familiarizing yourself with Linux allows you to collect security data and perform security hardening.

  • Hacking: The ability to think like a cybercriminal is essential to identify any flaws in networks or security tools.

  • Building virtual machines: Cybersecurity experts must master all virtual machine platforms to run malware analysis.

  • Programming: You don’t need to be an expert programmer to become a cybersecurity professional, but you do need to approach problems with a programmatic mindset.

“Scripting really helps you to understand how hardware and software works. It's important, even if you don't want to be a programmer, to understand enough so you can read code,” - said Olmsted, who also teaches in two other NYU MicroBachelors programs: Computer Science Fundamentals and Intro to Databases.

The Top Cybersecurity Jobs: From Entry-Level to Senior Level ( The Ultimate Guide to Cybersecurity Careers )

There are many high-paying, dynamic full-time jobs within the cybersecurity industry. Due to the global talent shortage, many employers are offering average salaries between $70,000 and $90,000 for entry-level roles. More experienced cybersecurity professionals such as cybersecurity directors and chief information security officers (CISOs) can earn over $150,000 annually.

With so much demand for cybersecurity professionals, now has never been a better time to get into the field. Here are some of the highest paying and most in demand cybersecurity jobs today:

  1. Cybersecurity Analyst:

A cybersecurity analyst, otherwise known as a security operations center (SOC) analyst, is an entry-level cybersecurity role focused on frontline threat detection. Cybersecurity analysts work in security operations centers and must have a diverse set of skills from malware analysis, log analysis, Wireshark, and programming. The primary responsibility of a soc analyst is monitoring network data. While considered routine, the work and experience of a soc analyst role is a great starting place to learn the basics and launch a career in cybersecurity.

If you want to become a soc analyst, you will need to earn a few cybersecurity certifications such as the CompTIA Security+ and the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

2. Vulnerability Assessment Analyst:

A Vulnerability Assessment Analyst is a key professional in the field of cybersecurity, responsible for identifying and evaluating vulnerabilities in an organization's IT systems, applications, and infrastructure. They use a variety of tools and techniques, such as vulnerability scanners, to identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber attackers.

Vulnerability Assessment Analyst is a demanding and challenging role, but also a highly rewarding one, that offers many career opportunities for those with the right skills and experience. It is one of the most important roles in the cybersecurity ecosystem as it covers a lot of responsibilities and can help organizations avoid serious security breaches, which will protect the organizations from a huge financial or reputation loss. Prospective vulnerability analysts should have a strong grasp of both Java and HTML and a few certifications such as the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and the GIAC Web Application Penetration.

3. Cybersecurity Engineer

A Cybersecurity Engineer is a professional who specializes in the design and implementation of security solutions to protect computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.

They are responsible for identifying and anticipating network vulnerabilities, designing and implementing security controls such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and encryption programs. They also responsible for maintaining these security systems and evaluating new security solutions to ensure they meet the organization's security requirements.

To become a Cybersecurity Engineer, one typically need to have a few years of experience in the field of IT, network and systems administration, security, or software development. Strong programming skills in languages such as Python, C++, Java, or Ruby are required, as well as a deep understanding of how computer networks and systems operate.

4. Penetration Tester

A Penetration Tester, also known as a pen tester or ethical hacker, is a cybersecurity professional who simulates a cyber attack on a computer system, network or web application to assess its security. The goal of a penetration test is to identify vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit, and to evaluate the overall security of the system.

Penetration testers use a variety of tools and techniques to perform their tests, including network scanners, vulnerability scanners, and manual testing methods. Once vulnerabilities are identified, the tester will attempt to exploit them to determine the potential impact of a real attack. The results of the penetration test are then reported to the organization, along with recommendations for how to remediate the identified vulnerabilities.

Penetration testers can be independent consultants, or they can work for an organization's security team. They typically have a background in computer science, computer engineering, or a related field, and may also hold certifications such as the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)

Skills & Rolls we need for a Cyber Security Career.

(Deeper Dive: Cybersecurity: The Beginner's Guide: A comprehensive guide to getting started in cybersecurity: 9781789616194 )

The field of cybersecurity is ever-evolving, and staying relevant requires continuous learning and development. As new techniques and tactics are used by cybercriminals, cybersecurity professionals must adapt and develop new skills to counter them. For example, in the past, the ability to remove malware was a highly sought-after skill. However, with advancements in automation, this task can now be performed by security tools, making the skill less essential. Similarly, different types of attacks can also shift the emphasis on certain skills. For example, the WannaCry and NotPetya attacks of 2016 brought increased attention to the importance of cryptography. Whether you are just starting in the cybersecurity industry or looking to expand your skill set, there are many skills to consider acquiring.

  • Preference of tech giants by many job seekers: The preference for working at tech giants by many cybersecurity job seekers can lead to small and non-tech companies struggling to find qualified applicants. As cybersecurity is closely related to general IT qualifications, many industry professionals have a preference for working at well-known, large companies. This often leaves smaller companies with fewer applicants to choose from. Job seekers who are willing to explore opportunities at smaller companies may therefore have a greater chance of finding employment in the field.

  • The widening skills gap: The widening skills gap in cybersecurity is making it increasingly difficult for HR managers to fill open positions, particularly those requiring higher level security expertise. Job openings in cybersecurity can remain unfilled for extended periods of time. Despite efforts such as in-house training programs, many organizations are struggling to find suitable candidates to fill all of their cybersecurity roles.

  • High turnover rates for cybersecurity positions: Cybersecurity positions tend to have high turnover rates, this is often the case when the supply of talent is limited. Organizations are competing to hire skilled cybersecurity professionals, leading to a poaching of employees from other companies and the offering of compensation packages that can be difficult to match. This creates a high turnover rate within the industry.

All these challenges in the cybersecurity field should be enough for you to consider gaining skills that will make you one of the highly sought-after talents. Let's go over these skills in the following subsections.

Foundation Skills:

These are the fundamental skills that all cybersecurity professionals should possess. They serve as the foundation for the industry and are considered essential for anyone working in the field.

Risk Management

Risk management is a key aspect of cybersecurity as the identification and mitigation of risks are at the core of the industry. As such, cybersecurity professionals should be familiar with risk management principles and practices. Many cybersecurity roles involve responding to and managing various types of risks. Additionally, some roles may require professionals to be able to clearly and effectively communicate the risks present in systems and networks to non-technical stakeholders, such as business executives.


Networks are a prime target for cybercriminals, as they serve as the backbone of an organization's computing infrastructure and enable the majority of data exchange services. It is crucial for cybersecurity professionals to have a strong understanding of networking concepts and principles. To acquire this knowledge, there are many recognized organizations that provide training and certifications in networking.

Situational Awareness

As attackers are constantly evolving their methods and tools, cybersecurity professionals must stay informed about the latest developments in cybercrime. This requires being aware of current attack trends and understanding how to effectively counter them. Having situational awareness allows cybersecurity professionals to make informed decisions about the most appropriate ways to secure an organization based on the specific threats it is facing at any given time.


Contrary to popular portrayals in media, hacking is a methodical and often automated process, and hackers rely heavily on toolkits to carry out their actions. Similarly, cybersecurity professionals use specialized tools and toolkits to scan for threats and to defend against ongoing attacks. Therefore, it's important for cybersecurity professionals to have knowledge and understanding of how to use various types of tools, including those provided by their organization.

Roles In Cyber Security Career

The growing concern about cybercrime has created a stable and expanding market for careers in cybersecurity. As opposed to the past, organizations today are less likely to rely on network or IT administrators to handle cybersecurity responsibilities and have started hiring experts with specific knowledge of different types of attacks and threats. Additionally, they have invested in strengthening their security infrastructure. This chapter will explore the current job market and the skills that are in demand in the cybersecurity industry, which can help you identify opportunities to transition into, change to, or build your career in cybersecurity.

General Cybersecurity Roles

The cybersecurity industry is currently facing a high demand for professionals, with many open positions and a shortage of qualified candidates to fill them. These open roles can vary, but some common positions that organizations are actively hiring for include those listed in the following sections.

Penetration testers and vulnerability testers

A career in penetration testing entails using standard reconnaissance or hacking tools such as Metasploit or Wireshark to assess the security posture of an organization. Additionally, it involves reviewing the code that has been used to develop the systems on which organizations operate. However, one aspect of the role that some people may find less appealing is the need to compose detailed and comprehensive reports outlining any vulnerabilities discovered and the necessary steps to address them.

Cybersecurity Consultants

Cybersecurity consulting positions can be a good entry point for those new to the industry as they provide valuable hands-on experience that can be useful in future permanent roles. These consultants often specialize in specific areas, making it important for those interested in this type of role to identify a niche in which they excel.

Cybersecurity Managers

It is becoming increasingly clear that traditional system and network administrators are not equipped to handle the demands of cybersecurity. This is due to either a lack of expertise or the rapid pace at which cybercrime evolves. As a result, organizations are creating the position of cybersecurity manager, responsible for overseeing all cybersecurity programs related to networks and systems. The responsibilities of these managers include monitoring compliance with policies, conducting IT security audits, tracking patching and threat mitigation efforts, and managing cybersecurity incidents. These managers serve as the backbone of an organization's cybersecurity efforts and are expected to have a broad and deep understanding of the field.

Cybersecurity Analysts

Cybersecurity analysts are responsible for analyzing security incidents to identify useful information that can be used to prevent future attacks. For example, they may trace the steps that a hacker may have taken to gain access to sensitive files, such as whether system administrators were using default passwords or if anyone fell victim to a social engineering scam and provided passwords. The goal is to provide enough information to help prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Cybersecurity Engineers

The role of a cybersecurity engineer is critical to the overall security of an organization, as they are responsible for designing and implementing a robust security infrastructure. This includes creating comprehensive security policies, devising new methods for preventing threats, developing threat mitigation and response plans, and implementing other security measures. The engineer must ensure that the systems and networks in place cannot be easily compromised. Additionally, their input is essential in the implementation of any security audits, penetration tests, and security tools. Lastly, it's the role of cybersecurity engineer to gain the support of company executives for the necessary investment in security tools.

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)

The position of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) was established to give the IT department a direct seat at the executive management table. The CISO takes on overall responsibility for the security of the organization, overseeing operations and securing funding for cybersecurity efforts. They also ensure that security policies are being followed throughout the entire organization. These roles are often filled by individuals who have both strong technical and management skills and are accomplished in their field.

Chief Security Officers (CSOs)

The role of a Chief Security Officer (CSO) is crucial in safeguarding both physical and digital assets of an organization. They are responsible for ensuring that security investments align with business objectives and add value to the organization. They implement measures to protect business processes and prevent disruptions caused by cyber attacks. Additionally, they ensure that the organization has effective business continuity plans in place to prevent an attack from shutting down operations. They also oversee the implementation of necessary security tools and techniques to prevent potential data, financial, and reputational losses from a cyber attack. These roles are typically reserved for highly qualified individuals with extensive experience in IT and specialized training in cybersecurity.

Computer System Administrators

The role of a system administrator is not new in the industry but the demand for professionals with this skillset has been increasing in recent times. They traditionally oversee the components of systems to ensure they are functioning properly. In light of growing cybersecurity threats, the responsibilities of this role have expanded to include designing secure systems, protecting against common security threats, securing sensitive data in case of a breach, and ensuring continuity of operations during an attack. Most system administrators hold degrees in fields such as IT, computer engineering, or computer science.


Organizations are recognizing the importance of protecting data both in transit and storage through encryption to make sure that even if a hacker is able to infiltrate systems or intercept traffic, the stolen information will be unreadable. As the Internet was not originally built with security in mind, it's become a challenge for organizations to ensure end-to-end encryption of the information they exchange with their customers. Furthermore, hackers are becoming increasingly skilled at infiltrating organizations and stealing data, even from those that were thought to have strong security measures in place. Once data has been stolen, encryption is the only way to render it unusable. This is why organizations are increasingly hiring experts who can provide reliable encryption services for data, emails, and internet connections. Cryptographers are responsible for selecting the most appropriate encryption algorithms for each application, often holds a degree in computer science and a cryptography certification.

Computer Forensic Experts

Computer forensic experts, similar to other forensic professionals, are called upon to investigate cybercrime incidents. They are responsible for identifying the cause of the incident, collecting evidence that can be used in court, and recovering lost information caused by a hack. Computer forensics requires handling large amounts of digital data that can be delicate, especially when it's intended to be used as evidence in court. Therefore, these experts often work closely with legal professionals. They are able to track down where stolen data or money has been transferred to and initiate recovery efforts. This can include going undercover on black market sites and posing as buyers of stolen data to retrieve it. Additionally, outside of corporate settings, computer forensic experts may be called upon to examine digital crime scenes in criminal cases. Most computer forensic experts have a degree in forensic science, and hold certifications from recognized professional bodies.

Network Security Engineers

Network security engineers specialize in providing security solutions for networks, including WAN, LAN, and servers. They are responsible for deploying various network tools such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to ensure an organization has robust perimeter security to guard against attacks. They also manage important network hardware such as routers and switches to maintain their integrity and ensure that they provide reliable service at all times. Most network security engineers have a background in networking and hold certifications in network security.

Information Assurance Technicians

Information is a critical asset in the digital age, but it is increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals. The goal of cybersecurity is to protect the "CIA triad" of information, which consists of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Information assurance technicians share this same objective and work to ensure that information is always accessible when and where it is needed through risk management measures. This includes identifying and mitigating risks associated with the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information.

Data Security Analysts

The data security analyst role is an entry-level one, but holds a key position within the organization. With the increasing concern over cybercrime, many organizations will hire consultants to evaluate their vulnerabilities and assess their security systems. However, they also need someone to analyze these reports and develop an actionable plan to ensure the security of their networks, systems, and data. Additionally, organizations need someone to monitor systems for security incidents and take appropriate action when necessary. It's important to provide extra protection for sensitive data, and ensure its availability in case of an espionage attack. Data security analysts play a crucial role in ensuring the security of an organization's data by implementing multiple redundancies and taking necessary action during cyber attacks.

IT Security Compliance Analysts

Cybercrime incidents can be costly for organizations, not just in terms of financial losses, but also in terms of fines for non-compliance with regulations regarding data security and disclosure of breaches to users. Companies can be fined millions of dollars. Regulatory bodies are also implementing more strict policies that must be followed. Despite the development of security policies aimed at reducing threat exposure and assisting in response and recovery processes, organizations often neglect the adherence to these policies. IT security compliance analysts provide the necessary support in ensuring compliance with both internal and external security policies. They monitor adherence to policies, develop measures to track and reward compliance, and help organizations avoid costly fines and penalties.

System Security Specialists

System security specialists are specialized computer hardware and software experts who focus on cybersecurity. They perform a variety of tasks to ensure the overall security of an organization. This includes not just digital threats but also physical ones such as theft of servers. System security specialists are responsible for ensuring the physical security of digital assets within an organization, such as servers and workstations, testing security measures in place, and implementing security patches and testing software for potential vulnerabilities. They also conduct independent assessments to identify vulnerabilities in systems and ensure that critical systems have backup systems that can be activated during an attack to maintain business operations. These specialists are well-versed in using common tools used to identify vulnerabilities in systems.

CompTIA, the best Cyber Security Certifications to Boost Your Career.


Pursuing CompTIA's cyber security certifications can be a smart move for those looking to break into the field or advance their current careers. Among the options available, the following certifications are particularly noteworthy for their comprehensive coverage of industry-standard best practices and their applicability to a wide range of IT roles:

CompTIA A+ Certification: This program is designed for IT technicians and provides hands-on training in installing and troubleshooting PC hardware and software. It's a great starting point for anyone interested in an IT support role and is the most popular CompTIA certification. CompTIA Network+ Exam: As a complementary certification, the Network+ exam focuses on the fundamentals of networking, including Ethernet, wireless networking, and network cabling. It's a great stepping stone for those who want to delve deeper into networking and prepares for the more advanced certifications like the CompTIA Cloud Essentials or Network+. Additionally, the CompTIA Security+ certification is also well-known and useful for the professional in cyber security field, it covers the essential principles for network security and risk management, which will give a great foundation for understanding the cyber security area.

These certifications will help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in various IT and cyber security roles across industries.

Choosing CompTIA certifications for your cyber security career can be a wise decision for several reasons. Here are four reasons why these certifications are valuable:

1.CompTIA certifications demonstrate your expertise in the field and can impress potential employers. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, these certifications show that you are keeping up with the latest trends and have a solid foundation to build your career upon.

2. CompTIA certifications can help you earn a higher salary. According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, salaries in the cyber security field have been increasing rapidly. Having a CompTIA certification gives you an edge in the job market, making you a more desirable candidate and potentially leading to a higher salary.

3. CompTIA certifications can help you land a job faster. In addition to showcasing your current skills, these certifications demonstrate your potential for future growth, which can make you a more attractive candidate for employers.

4. CompTIA certifications can help you establish a professional reputation in the industry. Having multiple certifications shows that you are committed to staying informed about the latest trends and technologies, and demonstrate your integrity and credibility to employers and clients.

Ultimately, CompTIA certifications are a smart choice for anyone looking to advance their career in cyber security. It will be a great investment in yourself, as it will help you stand out in the job market and grow professionally.

Where to Get the Best CompTIA Cyber Security Certifications

There are various training providers that offer CompTIA cyber security certifications. Some options include:

CompTIA's own website: CompTIA offers training materials, exam vouchers, and certifications through its website. This is a convenient option for those who prefer self-study or online learning. Authorized training centers: CompTIA has a network of authorized training centers around the world that provide in-person training and proctor exams. This option is ideal for those who prefer a more structured, classroom-style learning environment. Online training providers: There are many online training providers that offer CompTIA cyber security certification training, such as Cybrary, Simplilearn, and Udemy, etc.

Some providers offer self-paced or instructor-led online training and certification preparation materials. It is important to find a reputable provider and ensure that the provider is authorized by CompTIA. You could check the provider's website or contact CompTIA to verify that they are authorized to provide CompTIA certifications. Additionally, you could read reviews or ask for references to make sure the provider has a good reputation and track record.

How Long Do You Have to Study for a CompTIA Cyber Security Certification?

The amount of time required to study for a CompTIA cyber security certification will vary depending on your prior knowledge, learning style, and the specific certification you are pursuing. However, on average, it is typical to study for a few months before taking the exam. For CompTIA A+ certification, which covers the basics of computer hardware and software, it is recommended that you spend around 900 hours of study time to prepare for the exam. For CompTIA Security+ certification, which covers the principles of network security and risk management, it is recommended that you spend around 250 hours of study time to prepare for the exam.

For CompTIA Network+ certification, which covers the fundamentals of networking, it is recommended that you spend around 100 hours of study time to prepare for the exam. It is also important to note that these recommended hours of study time are not always realistic, based on one's learning pace, study habits, etc. Some may take more time to prepare, while others may take less. Some students may need extra time for studying and others may not. It is good to start preparing as early as possible and build a study schedule that fits your individual needs and commitments.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of a CompTIA certification can vary depending on several factors, such as the specific certification you are pursuing and the method of study you choose.

For CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+ , CompTIA Security+ the cost for taking the exam is usually around $349 USD. However, this cost can fluctuate based on location and currency exchange rates.

The cost of training and preparation materials can also vary depending on the provider. Self-study materials, such as study guides and practice tests, can be purchased directly from CompTIA or from authorized third-party providers. These materials can range from a few dollars for an e-book to several hundred dollars for an all-inclusive training package.

Online training providers such as Cybrary, Simplilearn and Udemy also offer different pricing options, that can range from free to $1,000 or more, depending on the package and the level of personalization.

It's important to note that, prices for the same certification may vary depending on countries, for some places it might be more expensive. Also, recertification fees will apply for certifications that have expiration dates.

In summary, the cost for CompTIA certification can vary widely, but on average, you should expect to spend around $349 for the exam and an additional cost for training and preparation materials.

Last updated