Security Design Principles

Security Design Principles

The Saltzer and Schroeder List

The Saltzer and Schroeder design principles are a set of guidelines for developing secure systems that have been widely referenced in the information security community. These principles were first introduced in an article by Jerome Saltzer in 1974, which outlined the security mechanisms in the Multics time-sharing system. The following year, Saltzer and Michael Schroeder expanded the article into a tutorial titled “The Protection of Information in Computer Systems”, which introduced the triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and a set of design principles.

Over the decades, these principles have been used as guidelines for developing secure systems. They were included in the DOD’s standard for computer security, the Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, and have been highlighted in security textbooks such as Pfleeger’s Security in Computing. The Saltzer and Schroeder design principles are a valuable resource for organizations looking to improve the security of their systems and protect sensitive information. They provide a clear and concise set of guidelines for designing and implementing secure systems, and are an important part of the legacy of wisdom in the information security community.

Different writers use the term principle differently. Some apply the term to a set of precisely worded statements, like Saltzer and Schroeder’s 1975 list, while others apply it in general to a collection of unidentified but fundamental concepts. This paper focuses on explicit statements of principles, like the 1975 list. The principles were concise and well-stated on the whole, and many have stood the test of time and are reflected in modern security practice.

In 2008, when writing my own textbook for an introductory information security course, I was informed by an awareness of Saltzer and Schroeder’s design principles, but motivated primarily by the curriculum requirements. The textbook, titled Elementary Information Security, produced its own list of basic principles. This review of design principles arises from the mismatch between the classic list and this more recent list. The review also looks at other efforts to codify general principles, both by standards bodies and by other textbook authors, including a recent textbook co-authored by Saltzer himself.

The review of design principles is an important step in understanding the evolution of information security best practices, and identifying areas where further research or development is needed. The principles outlined by Saltzer and Schroeder have been influential in shaping the field of information security, and their legacy continues to be felt today.

Security Principles Today

Saltzer and Schroeder’s 1976 paper listed eight design principles for computer security, and noted two additional principles that seemed relevant if more general. These principles are still highly relevant in today's security landscape and are often used as the foundation for designing secure systems.

The principles are:

  1. Economy of mechanism: A simple design is easier to test and validate.

  2. Fail-safe defaults: Systems should have a default of "no access" so that the system must specifically grant access to resources.

  3. Complete mediation: Access rights should be completely validated every time an access occurs.

  4. Open design: Secure systems should have unclassified designs.

  5. Separation of privilege: A protection mechanism should require two separate keys to unlock it, allowing for two-person control and similar techniques to prevent unilateral action by a subverted individual.

  6. Least privilege: Every program and user should operate while invoking as few privileges as possible.

  7. Least common mechanism: Users should not share system mechanisms except when absolutely necessary, because shared mechanisms may provide unintended communication paths or means of interference.

  8. Psychological acceptability: The policy interface should reflect the user’s mental model of protection, and users won’t specify protections correctly if the specification style doesn’t make sense to them.

These principles provide a solid foundation for organizations to build upon in order to create secure systems. It is important for organizations to understand and follow these principles as they design, implement and maintain their systems, in order to protect against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Saltzer and Schroeder noted two principles that were familiar in physical security but applied “imperfectly” to computer systems. These principles are:

  1. Work factor: Stronger security measures pose more work for the attacker. The authors acknowledged that such a measure could estimate trial-and-error attacks on randomly chosen passwords, but questioned its relevance since there often existed “indirect strategies” to penetrate a computer by exploiting flaws.

  2. Compromise recording: The system should keep records of attacks even if the attacks aren’t necessarily blocked. The authors were skeptical about this, since the system ought to be able to prevent penetrations in the first place. If the system couldn’t prevent a penetration or other attack, then it was possible that the compromise recording itself may be modified or destroyed.

Today, most analysts and developers embrace these final two design principles. The argument underlying complex password selection reflects a work factor calculation, as do the recommendations on choosing cryptographic keys. Compromise recording has become an essential feature of every secure system in the form of event logging and auditing. This highlights the evolution of the field of information security and how new experiences and technology have helped to shape the security principles that are used today.

The Saltzer and Schroeder design principles, first introduced in 1975, have had a lasting impact on the field of information security and are still widely referenced today. Many organizations and standards bodies have used them as a guide for developing secure systems. However, with the evolution of technology and new experiences, the field of information security has produced its own set of security principles. These principles are often variations of Saltzer and Schroeder's or are presented in a more abstract sense. Textbook authors generally avoid making specific lists of principles, but still recognize the importance of key principles such as least privilege. Overall, it is important for organizations to understand the depth, type and scope of each set of security principles and to make sure that the desired outputs and outcomes match their organizational needs.

However, the text also reviews Saltzer and Schroeder’s principles in detail in Section 5.4. The remaining few textbooks that specifically discuss design principles generally focus on the 1975 list. The textbook by Smith and Marchesini (2008) discuss the design principles in Chapter 3. The two textbooks by Bishop (2003, 2005) also review the design principles in Chapters 13 and 12, respectively.

“Generally Accepted Principles”

Following Computers at Risk, standards organizations were motivated to publish lists of principles. The OECD published a list of eight guidelines in 1992 that established the tone for a set of higher-level security principles:

Accountability, Awareness, Ethics, Multidisciplinary, Proportionality, Integration, Timeliness, Reassessment, and Democracy.

In its 1995 handbook, “An Introduction to Computer Security,” NIST presented the OECD list and also introduced a list of “elements” of computer security (NIST, 1995). Following the OECD’s lead, this list presented very high level guidance, addressing the management level instead of the design or technical level. For example, the second and third elements are stated as follows:

“Computer Security is an Integral Element of Sound Management”

“Computer Security Should Be Cost-Effective”

The following year, NIST published its own list of “Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems” (Swanson and Guttman, 1996). The overriding principles drew heavily from the elements listed in the 1995 document. The second and third elements listed above also appeared as the second and third “Generally Accepted Principles.”

The OECD list also prompted the creation of an international organization that published “Generally Accepted System Security Principles” (GASSP) in various revisions between 1996 and 1999 (I2SF, 1999). This was intended to provide high-level guidance for developing more specific lists of principles, similar to those used in the accounting industry. The effort failed to prosper.

Following the 1999 publication, the sponsoring organization apparently ran out of funding. In 2003, the Information System Security Association tried to restart the GASSP process and published the “Generally Accepted Information Security Principles” (ISSA, 2004), a cosmetic revision of the 1999 document. This effort also failed to prosper.

In 2001, a team at NIST tried to produce a more specific and technical list of security principles. This became “Engineering Principles for Information Technology Security” (Stoneburner, et al, 2004). The team developed a set of thirty-three separate principles. While several clearly reflect Saltzer and Schroeder, many are design rules that have arisen from subsequent developments, notably in networking. For example:

  • Principle 16: Implement layered security (Ensure no single point of vulnerability).

  • Principle 20: Isolate public access systems from mission critical resources.

  • Principle 30: Implement security through a combination of measures distributed physically and logically.

  • Principle 33: Use unique identities to ensure accountability.

While these new principles captured newer issues and concerns than the 1975 list, they also captured assumptions regarding system development and operation. For example, Principle 20 assumes that the public will never have access to “mission critical resources.” However, many companies rely heavily on Internet sales for revenue. They must clearly ignore this principle in order to conduct those sales.

Training and Curriculum Standards

While training and curriculum standards in information security recognize the importance of security principles, they do not provide a specific list of principles. Instead, they often refer to them in an abstract sense and mention key concepts such as least privilege, separation of privilege and compromise recording. The Information Assurance and Security IT 2008 curriculum recommendations, for example, only provide one example of a design principle: "defense in depth." It is important for organizations to understand the curriculum standards and how they align with their own security needs and objectives. Additionally, they should also consider incorporating specific threat modeling methodologies and principles, such as those outlined by Saltzer and Schroeder, into their training and development programs to ensure that their staff are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively protect their systems and operations.

The Information Assurance and Security IT 2008 curriculum recommendations (ACM and IEEE, 2008) identify design principles as an important topic, and provide a single example: “defense in depth.” This is a restatement of NIST’s Principle 16.

Saltzer and Kaashoek

Co-authors Saltzer and Kaashoek published the textbook Principles of Computer Design in 2009 (Saltzer and Kaashoek, 2009). The book lists sixteen general design principles and several specific principles, including six security-specific principles.

Here is a list of principles that were essentially inherited from the 1975 paper:

  • General principle: Open design

  • Security principle: Complete mediation

  • Security principle: Fail-safe defaults

  • Security principle: Least privilege

  • Security principle: Economy of mechanism

  • Security principle: Minimize common mechanism

Here are new – or newly stated – principles compared to those described in 1975:

  • Security principle: Minimize secrets – a thoughtful addition to the list that could be prone to misunderstanding. Secrets should be few and changeable, but they should also maximize entropy, and thus increase the attacker’s work factor. The simple principle is also true by itself, since each secret increases a system’s administrative burden: a late 1990s fighter jet project required dozens of separately-managed crypto keys to comply with data separation requirements that had been added piecemeal.

  • General principle: Adopt sweeping simplifications – a restatement that acknowledges how hopelessly complex modern systems have become. In the 1970s, a Unix operating system could support a dozen separate users with a megabyte of RAM; a single user on a modern desktop easily consumes a gigabyte of RAM, much of it containing software programs.

  • General principle: Principle of least astonishment – a concise and much clearer restatement of the “psychological acceptability” principle described in 1975.

  • General principle: Design for iteration – an important first step towards incorporating continuous improvement as a design principle.

Neither of the uncertain principles listed in 1975 made it into this revised list. Despite this, event logging and auditing is a fundamental element of modern computer security practice. Likewise, work factor calculations continue to play a role in the design of information security systems. Pfleeger and Pfleeger highlighted “weakest link” and “easiest penetration” principles that reflect the work factor concept. However, there are subtle trade-offs in work factor calculations that may makes it a poor candidate for stating as a concise and easy-to-apply principle.

Elementary Information Security

The contents of the textbook were primarily influenced by two curriculum standards. The first was the "National Training Standard for Information System Security Professionals" (NSTISSC, 1994), which remains the standard for general security training under the US government's Information Assurance Courseware Evaluation (IACE) Program. The second curriculum standard is the "Information Technology 2008 Curriculum Guidelines" (ACM and IEEE Computer Society, 2008), which the textbook covers all topics and core learning outcomes recommended in the Information Assurance and Security section of the Guidelines.

To meet instructional goals, each principle needed to meet certain requirements, such as forming a memorable phrase related to its meaning and reflecting the current state of practice, and were introduced when they played a significant role in a new topic. This resulted in the following eight principles: Continuous Improvement, Least Privilege, Defense in Depth, Open Design, Chain of Control, Deny by Default, Transitive Trust, and Separation of Duty.

To fulfill their instructional role, each principle needed to meet certain requirements. Each needed to form a memorable phrase related to its meaning, with preference given to existing, familiar phrases. Each had to reflect the current state of the practice, and not simply a “nice to have” property. Each had to be important enough to appear repeatedly as new materials were covered. Each principle was introduced when it played a significant role in a new topic, and no sooner. Students were not required to learn and remember a set of principles that they didn’t yet understand or need.

This yielded the following eight principles:

  1. Continuous Improvement – continuously assess how well we achieve our objectives and make changes to improve our results. Modern standards for information security management systems, like ISO 27001, are based on continuous improvement cycles. Such a process also implicitly incorporates compromise recording from 1975 and “design for iteration” from 2009. Introduced in Chapter 1, along with a basic six-step security process to use for textbook examples and exercises.

  2. Least Privilege – provide people or other entities with the minimum number of privileges necessary to allow them to perform their role in the system. This literally repeats one of the 1975 principles.

  3. Defense in Depth – build a system with independent layers of security so that an attacker must defeat multiple independent security measures for the attack to succeed. This echoes “least common mechanism” but seeks to address a separate problem. Defense in depth is also a well-known alternative for stating NIST’s Principle 16.

  4. Open Design – building a security mechanism whose design does not need to be secret. This also repeats a 1975 principle.

  5. Chain of Control – ensure that either trustworthy software is being executed, or that the software’s behavior is restricted to enforce the intended security policy. This is an analogy to the “chain of custody” concept in which evidence must always be held by a trustworthy party or be physically secured. A malware infection succeeds if it can redirect the CPU to execute its code with enough privileges to embed itself in the computer and spread.

  6. Deny by Default – grant no accesses except those specifically established in security rules. This is a more-specific variant of Saltzer and Schroeder’s “fail safe defaults” that focuses on access control. The original statement is less specific, so it applies in safety and control problems.

  7. Transitive Trust – If A trusts B, and B trusts C, then A also trusts C. In a sense this is an inverted statement of “least common mechanism,” but it states the problem in a simpler way for introductory students. Moreover, this is already a widely-used term in computer security.

  8. Separation of Duty – decompose a critical task into separate elements performed by separate individuals or entities. This reflects the most common phrasing in the security community. Some writers phrase it as “segregation of duty” or “separation of privilege.”

The textbook’s list focused on memorable phrases that were widely accepted in the computer security community. Principles introduced in earlier chapters always resurface in examples in later chapters. In retrospect, the list is missing at least one pithy and well-known maxim: “Trust, but verify.” The book discusses the maxim in Chapter 13, but does not tag it as a basic principle.

Omitted Principles.

( Deeper Dive: Security Design Principles – Cryptosmith )

For better or worse, three of the 1975 principles do not play a central role in modern information security practice. These are simplicity, complete mediation, and psychological acceptability. We examine each below. There is no real market for simplicity in modern computing. Private companies release product improvements to entice new buyers. The sales bring in revenues to keep the company operating. The company remains financially successful as long as the cycle continues. Each improvement, however, increases the underlying system’s complexity. Much of the free software community is caught in a similar cycle of continuous enhancement and release.

Saltzer and Kaashoek (2009) call for “sweeping simplifications” instead of overall simplicity, reflecting this change. Complete mediation likewise reflects a sensible but obsolete view of security decision making. Network access control is spread across several platforms, no one of which makes the whole decision. A packet filter may grant or deny access to packets, but it can’t detect a virus-infected email at the packet level. Instead it forwards email to a series of servers that apply virus and spam checks before releasing the email to the destination mailbox. Even then, the end user might apply a digital signature check to perform a final verification of the email’s contents.

Psychological acceptability, or the “principle of least astonishment” is an excellent goal, but it is honored more in the breach than in the observance. The current generation of “graphical” file access control interfaces provide no more than rudimentary control over low-level access flags. It takes a sophisticated understanding of the permissions already in place to understand how a change in access settings might really affect a particular user’s access.

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